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    Uniswap Exchange - buy & sell cryptocurrency | Uniswap

    How tofix the transaction failure on UniSwap Exchange?

    Users can initiate a transaction on the UniSwap Exchange withoutthe interference of the centralized third party. The UIN holders govern the blockchain of UniSwap which is hosted on the Ethereum platform. Even the blockchain of the platform is open source, which means that any trader or investor can view and give their contribution to the blockchain code.


    But this blog is not a review of the Uniswap Wallet platforminstead it is about the errors the users have to deal with it. And the most common error they get is that their transaction has failed. So, with this blog, we will guide you on how to fix this error.

    Stepsto fix the transaction failed error

    Let us now get to know the fixes for your transaction beingrejected and or reverted to your UniSwap account. The first and foremost thing that you should know is that you can try to increase the previously set slippage limit tolerance to either 3 percent, 6 percent, or even 12 percent. After increasing the slippage limit your coin would be purchased even if the price range is slightly higher. And if you are not ready to spend more money
    then you should skip this fix. There are fewer chances for your transaction to get failed if your slippage limit has been set to 12 percent. But you should remember that if your slippage limit is at 12 percent you might end up purchasing the crypto asset at a way higher price. So, if you have no issue in spending money then you can try this fix.

    But if somehow, your transaction is pending then you should tryto get connected with the customer service of the UniSwap Exchange.

    CustomerSupport Service of UniSwap

    The users of this exchange service can get contacted the supportteam of the platform via using the option of live chat or can refer to the blogs that have been uploaded in the support section. There are several blogs posted on the support page related to almost every topic. So, you will surely find the solution to your issue in any of the blogs posted. You can submit a complaint form via the live chat option to raise a ticket. Though, it is
    unfortunate that UniSwap Exchange does offer support services via the phone call option. So, those who desire to use the platform that provides the support via calling system should not use this platform.

    Wrappingit Up!

    If you do not want to get stuck in the middle of KYC compliance,then you can use this platform. It is not at all necessary for the traders to complete their KYC with Uniswap exchange. It can be considered a good thing or a bad thing that depends upon the person’s perspective. But one is guaranteed that you will not be disappointed with this platform. And we hope that through our presented blog your transaction failure
    issue was resolved quickly.